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How can you find your attached iso image with Powershell using SCVMM?
Posted in Virtual Machine Manager, Windows Powershell | No Comment | 58,648 views | 27/11/2009 02:22
I got a question about ISO feature on Technet forums today. Jan Marek: Ok. But I have 200 virtual machines and I want to create a new one and use iso for virtual dvd rom. It is not working because I already use it for another server. How can I find from which one I should disconnect this iso?
Really good question I think. Because as I know, you can’t find it with SCVMM console. Also checking all virtual machines one by one is a way but it could be a nightmare, if you have so many virtual machines. I wrote a Powershell script for Jan. I want to share:
If your ISO name is “debian.iso”, just replace “test” with “debian”. Also if you use just “Get-ISO”, you can see all iso images on all virtual machines. You can reach that post from here: If we can see them with SCVMM console, please let me know.
Tags: hyper-v shared iso, scvmm 2008 r2 iso location, scvmm attached iso, scvmm shared iso, shared iso
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