Posted in Virtual Machine Manager, Windows Powershell, Windows Server | No Comment | 4,980 views | 28/07/2012 16:17
Best Hyper-V Linux Preparation tool SetLinuxvM v4.4 is out!
* Fixed “Cannot connect to SCVMM Server” bug of SCVMM 2012 SP1.
* Added native “virtualmachinemanager” cmdlets support for SCVMM 2012 SP1.
* Added Linux Integration Services v3.3 as a default integration service.
* Added console keyboard language support. English is still default language. (Feature request from Jernej Zorko, Thanks!)
* SetLinuxVM no longer resumes operations if root password is not correct. (Feature request from Anonymous, Thanks!)
* Added System Center Config Manager Package Definition File for unattended installations.
* Enhanced installation/uninstallation support with Advanced Installer (Thanks to Advanced Installer!)
Now SetLinuxVM is even more perfect! Please go to official website to download latest version.
Again, thanks for using SetLinuxVM!
Posted in Virtual Machine Manager, Windows Powershell | No Comment | 5,553 views | 19/03/2012 21:12
Info: SetLinuxVM now supports Hyper-V v3 and SCVMM 2012 SP1 as well!
After number of bug fixes, improvements and new functionalities, Set-LinuxVM reached to version 3.1 stable.
Fixed bugs:
1) Integration services installation bug.
2) Synthetic network adapter issue
3) Wait-VMProcess improvements
New functionalities:
1) Windows Server 8 Beta support! You can use SetLinuxVM on Powershell v3.
2) Hyper-V v3 support! SetLinuxVM is now compatible with new Hyper-V wmi interface.
3) SCVMM 2012 SP1 support! SetLinuxVM recognizes SCVMM 2012 SP1 and uses it automatically.
4) New Restart-LinuxVM command for Linux VM reboot.
General functionalities:
1) Unattended IP, Hostname and DNS configuration for Linux VMs.
2) Automatic Linux integration components installation.
3) Multi Distro Support: Debian, Ubuntu, Centos, Fedora, Redhat, Suse and CloudLinux!
4) Automatic CPanel and Parallels Plesk installation.
5) Linux VM Template support
6) Hyper-V support! You don’t need SCVMM to use this script.
7) Multiple Hyper-V and SCVMM host support.
8) Automatic Emulated NIC to Synthetic NIC support.
9) No need to internet connection (SSH access etc.) or additional changes on VM.
10) Custom Answer File support! You can execute your own scripts.
Copyright (C) 2012 Yusuf Ozturk
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Donate: Thanks to support this open source project!
1. First, you should allow signed Powershell scripts:
Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned |
Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned
2. Extract file and move “SetLinuxVM” directory under to “C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules”.
3. Import as a module:
4. That’s it. To see how to use it:
Get-help Set-LinuxVM -full |
Get-help Set-LinuxVM -full
5. Follow to instructions.
You can search in my blog for how to create Linux VM templates!
Posted in Windows Powershell | No Comment | 5,223 views | 14/02/2012 02:14
Info: SetLinuxVM is now under GPLv2
After number of bug fixes, improvements and new functionalities, Set-LinuxVM reached version 3.0 stable.
Fixed bugs:
1) Suse Enterprise network script – path issue.
2) Debian LVM issue
3) Ubuntu network issue.
4) Suse Enterprise hostname issue.
5) CentOS hostname issue.
6) Suse Enterprise mandatory networks issue.
7) Dismount Linux IC issue
8) Determining reboot and service restarts
9) Ubuntu log off issue
New functionalities:
1) “Distro” is not a requirement. You don’t need to provide Distro name of Linux VM anymore! SetLinuxVM can detects Linux distro and execute commands specificly for that distro. But I still suggest you to use “Distro” to decrease provisioning duration.
2) “Network connectivity” is not a requirement. In previous versions, you need network connectivity inside the VM to install LIC. Now SetLinuxVM v3 uses Hyper-V LIC v3.2 ISO for LIC installation. We just mount ISO to VM and ready to go..
3) Secondary IP Support! Now you can add multiple Ip addresses to your Linux VM.
4) Backing-up VM Config! In previous versions, SetLinuxVM was removing config files to set new config files. Now SetLinuxVM v3 simply creates a backup directory in /home and moves all old config files in it by adding .bak extension. So if you do something wrong, just use backups of the config!
5) New Artificial Intelligence (AI) for SetLinuxVM: Wait-VMReboot and Wait-VMProcess. Now, SetLinuxVM understands virtual machine reboot process. In previous version, we were using static start-sleep durations to wait enough for reboot process completion. But now, we don’t use any static durations to continue VM provisioning! SetLinuxVM watch VM activies and decide if VM is finished rebooting.
6) Seperated provisioning support! In previous versions; hostname and ip-network information are required. Now with SetLinuxVM v3, you can just change hostname or extend LVM.
7) No static values in SetLinuxVM anymore! SetLinuxVM just reads Linux configuration and execute commands with that.
8) Secured with Code Signing Certificate from GlobalSign.
9) Console simulation for Linux VMs called Open-VMConsole. Now you can copy/past into Linux VMs by using Open-VMConsole. It simulates Linux console and lets you copy/past your commands.
10) Hyper-V CLuster support! Now we use Failover Cluster module to search VMs in Cluster nodes. This is one of the best feature if you don’t use SCVMM.
Removed Functionalities:
1) Automatic updates for SetLinuxVM. I thought that may not be safe for customized scripts.
2) Hyper-V LIC v2.1 support! SetLinuxVM v3 only supports Hyper-V LIC v3.2. But SetLinuxVM is still able to provision Redhat/CentOS 5 even with LIC v2.1.
3) Debian and Ubuntu integration solutions due to performans and stability problems.
General functionalities:
1) Unattended IP, Hostname and DNS configuration for Linux VMs.
2) Automatic Linux integration components installation.
3) Multi Distro Support: Debian, Ubuntu, Centos, Fedora, Redhat, Suse and CloudLinux!
4) Automatic CPanel and Parallels Plesk installation.
5) Linux VM Template support
6) Hyper-V support! You don’t need SCVMM to use this script.
7) Multiple Hyper-V and SCVMM host support.
8) Automatic Emulated NIC to Synthetic NIC support.
9) No need to internet connection (SSH access etc.) or additional changes on VM.
10) Custom Answer File support! You can execute your own scripts.
Copyright (C) 2012 Yusuf Ozturk
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Donate: Thanks to support this open source project!
1. First, you should allow signed Powershell scripts:
Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned |
Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned
2. Extract file and move “SetLinuxVM” directory under to “C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules”.
3. Import as a module:
4. That’s it. To see how to use it:
Get-help Set-LinuxVM -full |
Get-help Set-LinuxVM -full
5. Follow to instructions.
You can search in my blog for how to create Linux VM templates!
Posted in Virtual Machine Manager, Windows Powershell | 4 Comments | 14,379 views | 29/05/2011 16:19
Update: SetLinuxVM is now under GPLv2
After number of bug fixes, improvements and new functionalities, Set-LinuxVM reached version 2.3 stable.
Fixed bugs:
1) Keyboard language fix. There is no dependency on VM keyboard language anymore.
2) Changed logic of LIC installation.
3) Network service restart bug in Redhat based distributions.
New functionalities:
1) Extending Logical Volume: If you expand VM’s disk, you can extend / partition to maximum free space.
2) Changing root password: You can change password of root users.
3) Changing time zone: You can change time zone of linux vm.
4) SCVMM template support: You can set distro, username and password informations into Linux VM template. If you provision a Linux VM from that template, Set-LinuxVM checks template fields to get required distro, username and password informations.
5) CloudLinux distribution support. Now supported distros: CentOS, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat, Suse and CloudLinux
6) Parallels Plesk Panel installation support. Now supported control panels: CPanel and Plesk
7) Advanced verify and debug process.
8) Secured with Code Signing Certificate from GlobalSign.
9) Automatic updates: Script checks new updates so you don’t need to download new versions anymore.
Other functionalities:
1) Unattended IP, Hostname and DNS configuration for Linux VMs.
2) Automatic Linux integration components installation.
3) Multi Distro Support: Debian, Ubuntu, Centos, Fedora, Redhat, Suse and CloudLinux!
4) Automatic CPanel and Parallels Plesk installation.
5) Linux VM Template support
6) Hyper-V support! You don’t need SCVMM to use this script.
7) Multiple Hyper-V and SCVMM host support.
8) Automatic Emulated NIC to Synthetic NIC support.
9) No need to internet connection (SSH access etc.) or additional changes on VM.
10) Custom Answer File support! You can execute your own scripts.
Copyright (C) 2012 Yusuf Ozturk
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Donate: Thanks to support this open source project!
1. First, you should allow signed Powershell scripts:
Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned |
Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned
2. Extract file and move “SetLinuxVM” directory under to “C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules”.
3. Import as a module:
4. That’s it. To see how to use it:
Get-help Set-LinuxVM -full |
Get-help Set-LinuxVM -full
5. Follow to instructions.
How to create Linux VM template for Set-LinuxVM:
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