VirtualMetric Hyper-V Monitoring, Hyper-V Reporting


Cozumpark Bilisim Portali
Posted in Virtual Machine Manager | No Comment | 6,512 views | 20/03/2009 20:32

You may get this error when you try to clone a vm. Solution: If you are using SCVMM, simply delete vm then re-clone it. Be sure, all vm files are deleted before cloning process.

Error (12700)
VMM cannot complete the Hyper-V operation on the server because of the error: Failed to import the virtual machine from import directory ‘E:\Hyper-V\W2K8WEB’. Error: One or more arguments are invalid(0x80070057)

Import file format error: E:\Hyper-V\W2K8WEB\Virtual Machines\0D6B7434-D1B3-4BF7-A414-8E29FE56D496.exp.
(Unknown error (0x8005))

Recommended Action
Resolve the issue in Hyper-V and then try the operation again.

If you are doing this on Hyper-V, there is a good solution:

Posted in Virtual Machine Manager | No Comment | 6,655 views | 18/03/2009 20:21

You have a working template but you want to install new windows updates and re-template it. You installed updates then started to update step. But what is that? Sysprep hangs on %49. Then SCVMM gives this error:

Error (680)
Timeout occurred while waiting for Sysprep to finish processing on the virtual machine.

Recommended Action
Ensure you are using the version of Sysprep binaries that match with virtual machine’s Windows version, and then try the operation again.

Unfortunately you can’t sysprep a Windows Server 2008 with SCVMM more than 3 times. Your licence does not accept sysprep after 3 syspreping. This is really bad but you don’t have any another way. You should create a new machine and then you should make it template. I don’t know what the exact number is, but Vista supports only 3 syspreping.

Posted in Virtual Machine Manager | No Comment | 4,636 views | 26/01/2009 20:27

VMM Agent kurulumu yaparken aşağıdaki hata ile karşılaşabilirsiniz.

Error (415)
Agent installation failed copying C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008\agents\I386\2.0.3444.0\msiInstaller.exe to \\\ADMIN$\msiInstaller.exe.
(The system cannot find the path specified)

Bu durumda Agent kurulumu yapmaya çalıştığınız sunucuda Firewall olmadığından ya da aradaki iletişimi kesebilecek bir yapının bulunmadığından emin olun. Kurulum yapmaya çalıştığınız sunucuda agent kurulumu için yeterli disk alanı bulunduğunu kontrol edin. Bu hata, ADMIN$ paylaşınının bulunmadığı durumlarda da meydana gelebilmekte. Paylaşımın bulunduğunu kontrol ederek, kurulum işlemini tekrar başlatın. Kolay gelsin.